49 Shepherd Street Marrickville SYDNEY

3- 13 APRIL 2013


In this exhibition Restrictive Accumulations,  Marlene Sarroff draws on her immediate urban industrial surroundings to source objects and discarded industrial factory products. Her aim is simply to bring ‘things’ together, as far as possible in an unaltered state, allowing the juxtaposed materials to speak for themselves. Hence, the artist no longer ‘creates’ but rearranges things into works, drawing attention to the interdependent relationships between things and the  space surrounding them. The aim is to challenge pre-existing perceptions of such materials and relate to them on a new level.

The materials and objects, although accidently discovered, are carefully selected so as to create a sense of the accumulative, but at the same time there are subtle  restrictive elements at play. Both metaphorically and realistically, the installation provides the audience a space for focussed contemplation.