2005/6 Master of Art (Painting) Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney
1991/4 Bachelor of Art Theory College of Fine Arts, University of N.S.W.
1983/4 Art Certificate, Seaforth Technical College, Sydney.
1982 Associate Diploma of Creative Arts Riverina College Albury NSW
1964 Diploma of Education , Melbourne Teachers College, Melbourne University.
2013-15 Co- Director : Factory 49 Showroom Sydney .
2007-15 Committee Member Factory 49 Showroom Sydney
2015 Juror Representing Australia : ARTVENICE BIENNALE3 Venice
2014 Keynote Speaker: Colour Society of Australia. National Conference W.A.
2015 Lecture : Materials and Process and Industrial Colour N.S.W. Colour Society of Australia
2012 La Fabrique Ivry Paris, France (3 months)
2014 Trafacka Prague Czech Republic (3 months)
2019 365 Days You Get What You Choose INSTAGRAM Project :Byron School of Art
2018 Indeterminate Structures in DEEP SPACE Airspace Projects Sydney
2017 Instagram Project Slot Window Gallery, Alexandria Sydney
2015 Sustained Expansion Airspace Projects Sydney.
2015 Multiple Visions and (mis-steps) Factory 49 Showroom Sydney
2014 EQUILIBRIUM (deconstructed) Factory 49 Marrickville Sydney.
2013 Restrictive Accumulations, Factory 49, Marrickville, Sydney.
2013 Systems Office Project Space, Factory 49 Marrickville Sydney.
2012 Loosely Contained, Factory 49, Marrickville, Sydney .
2011 Revelation through Concealment’, Factory 49, Marrickville, Sydney.
2010 Disruptive Elements, Factory 49, Marrickville, Sydney.
2010 Dispersion, ParisCONCRET, Paris, France
2010 Redefining Painting, Hebel 121, Basel, Switzerland.
2009 Patterns of Probabilities, Factory 49, Marrickville, Sydney.
2008 Pulse, Factory 49, Marrickville. Sydney.
2007 My Imaginary Cosmos, Factory 49, Marrickville. Sydney.
2006 The Dissolving World– Patterns in Transition.Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery
2006 Complex Dynamics, Factory 49, Marrickville. Sydney.
2005 Emergence Graphis Gallery, Woollahra. Sydney.
2004 Phase Space, Esa Jaske Gallery, Chippendale. Sydney.
2002 Codify-Code Defy, Depot Gallery, Dank Street. Waterloo. Sydney
1996 The Goddess Wadi Gallery Bondi Sydney
1995 Patterns of Nature, Wadi Gallery, Bondi Sydney.
2020 The Black and White Exhibition Cross Gallery Bundaberg Qld
2020 The Art of the Paper Bag Curator Clinton Cross Cross Gallery Bundaberg QLD
2020 The Few and Far Between Curator William Seeto, Articulate Project Space, Leichhardt Sydney.
2020 Image - Object (the Visual and the Physical) Poimena Gallery, Launceston TAS. curated by Paul Snell
2019 Industrial Panorama Gatakers Artspace, Maryborough QLD Curated by Clinton Cross
2019 The ‘01-Biennale of Reductive & Non Objective Art Parramatta Sydney curated by Billy Gruner
2019 3rd Birthday International Exhibition Cross Gallery Bundaberg QLD
2019 New Modern RNOP Five Walls Project Space Melbourne, curated by Billy Gruner, Aaron Martin
2019 Coloured Fields, Gatakers Art Space, Maryborough QLD Curator Clinton Cross
2018. Static Fold / Fixed Position (2 persons) Cross Gallery Bundaberg QLD
2018. Crow Street Creative, Gladstone QLD Curator, Clinton Cross
2018 VEJLE KUNSTHAL in Vejle City, Denmark
2018 AbstractionTwentyEighteen at Langford 120 Melbourne
2017 A Secret Place, Gatakers Art Space, Maryborough QLD
2017 Land / Line / Sea, Art Lacuna, London UK curated by Clinton Cross
2017 The Annual Group Exhibition, Factory 49 Marrickville Sydney
2017 The Tarpaulan Show, Cross Gallery Bundaberg QLD. Curated by Clinton Cross
2017 Chromatopia, Tacit Gallery, Melbourne, Curated by Louise Blyton
2017 RNPG – Kiosk Show Katoomba Blue Mountains N.S.W. curated by Billy Gruner
2017 The Drawing Collective International Art Project, Articulate Project Space,
2016 Articulate Turns 6 Articulate Project Space Leichhardt Sydney.
2016 The Stockroom Cross Gallery, Bundaberg Queensland
2016 Salon Realites Nouvelles, Paris France
2016 Paper 5 Bundaberg Queensland Curated by Clinton Cross
2016 Factory 49 Annual Group Exhibition.
2015 The Directors Show Factory 49, Office Project Space Sydney.
2015 Salon Realites Nouvelles, Paris France
2015 Factory 49 Annual Group show.
2015 Map of the New Art Imago Mundi Fondazione Giorgio CINO Venice
2014 Motion Screening and Projection Airspace Project Marrickville. Sydney.
2014 Bunkered House Intervention Glebe Sydney Curated by Sarah Nolan
2014 Annual Group Show Factory 49 Marrickville, Sydney.
2014 toujours simple, ParisCONCRET. Paris France
2014 The Directors Show Factory 49, Marrickville, Sydney
2014 The Democracy of Drawing Airspace Project Marrickville Sydney.
2013 Salon Realites Nouvelles, Paris France.
2013 Biennale International d’art non-objectif de la ville Pont de Claix, France Curated by
Roland Orepuk
2013 In relation to…. Articulate Project Space,Curated by Barbara Halnan, Rose Mcgreevy
2013 collection four Articulate Project Space curated by Adrian Clement
2013 Annual Group Show, Factory 49, Showroom, Marrickville Sydney.
2013 The Directors Show Office Project Space, Factory 49,
2013 Poste Concret (carre/squared) ParisCONCRET, Paris
2013 Drift-The Flaneur in Contemporary Art, Articulate Project Space, Curated by
Dr J. Duquemin and A. Stacker
2012 Scope Miami Art Fair, (Factory 49). Miami U.S.
2012 Inventaire, Hang’Art Galerie, Grenoble, France.
2012 Annual Group Show, Factory 49. Sydney.
2012 The Bizarre Artist’s Exhibition Atlantic Gallery, Boston USA
2012 Raisonnment circulaire ParisCONCRET, Paris France. curated by Daniel Hill
2012 Salon’ Realites Nouvelles. Paris France
2012 The Directors Show, Office Project Space Factory 49 Sydney.
2012 The Rocks Pop Up Art Month, Sydney
2012 They? International artists . Mairie de Sainte – Marie dAlloix, Rhone Alps France.
Curated by Roland Orepuk
2012 They ?# 2. STElectronique Crolls, France. Curated by Roland Orepuk
2012 Finalist Windsor Whitney Online Biennial, The Project. New York.
2011 Clean, Index Gallery, St Peters, Sydney.
2011 Annual Group Show,Factory 49. Sydney.
2011 Post Concret – Carte Postales, ParisCONCRET, Paris, France.
2011 With a Little Help from Our Friends, Atlantic Gallery, Boston. USA
2011 Factory 49 @ Galerie bij de Boeken, Ulft, Netherlands.
2011 Circles and Squares Tin Sheds, University of Sydney.
2011 Office Project Space, Factory 49 Sydney Art Month.
2011 Boston Biennial Project – Intervention, Venice Biennale, Italy.
2011 Intersections, Curated by Adrian Clement, ATVP, Sydney.
2010 SNO 66 –Far Point SNO, Marrrickville, Sydney.
2010 INDEX, Inaugural Exhibition. St Peters, Sydney.
2010 O+ Festival, Kingston. New York.
2010 carriage artworks, Carriageworks, Sydney.
2010 Structural Spaces, Office Project Space, Factory 49, Sydney
2010 Annual Group 49, Factory 49, Sydney
2009 Pour faire simple ParisCONCRET, Paris France.
2009 carriage / artworks Carriageworks, Sydney NSW.
2008 49 Annual Group Show, Factory 49, Marrickville, Sydney.
2007 Winter Salon, Brightspace. St Kilda. Melbourne.
2007 Annual Group Show, Factory 49, Marrickville, Sydney
2006 Annual Group Show, Factory 49, Marrickville, Sydney.
2006 Master of Art Graduation Exhibition, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney.
2005 Art Almanac: Cover Stories 269, Sir Herman Black Gallery, University of Sydney.
2005 Packsaddle Invitation Exhibition, New England Regional Art Museum, Armidale. N.S.W.
2004 Alumni Exhibition, Kudos Gallery, College of Fine Arts, University of N.S.W.
2004 SCEGGS Invitation Art Show, Darlinghurst,
2004 Packsaddle Invitation Exhibition, New England Regional Art Museum. Armidale.NSW.
2004 Gallery 4A Members Exhibition, Asia Australia Art Exhibition, Sydney.
2002 Graphis Art, Depot Gallery, Dank Street, Waterloo. Sydney.
2002 Packsaddle Invitation Exhibition, New England Regional Art Museum. Armidale. NSW.
2002 Gallery 4A members Exhibition, Asia Australia Haymarket, Sydney.
2001 Norton Gallery, McMahons Point. Sydney.
2001 SCEGGS Invitation Art Show, Darlinghurst. Sydney.
2001 Kudos Gallery, College of Fine Art, University of New South Wales.
2001 Packsaddle Invitation Exhibition, New England Regional Art Museum Armidale. NSW.
2000 Packsaddle Invitation Exhibition, New England Regional Art Museum, Armidale. NSW.
1998 Maudespace, Blackwattle, Glebe. Sydney.
1998 Environment Four: A Site Specific Sculpture Exhibition, Long Reef Headland. Sydney.
*Awarded Cultural Grant, Warringah Council, Sydney.
1998 The Mosman Art Prize, Mosman Regional Gallery, Mosman Sydney.
1997 Maudespace , Blackwattle, Glebe Sydney.
1997 The Mosman Art Prize, Mosman, Regional Gallery, Sydney.
1996 War and Peace Sydney Womens Art Network, PACT Theatre, Newtown, Sydney.
1996 See What I Hear COFA Gallery, College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales.
1995 Open Exhibition Artspace, Woolloomooloo, Sydney.
Wentworth Hotel, Sydney.
Conrad Hilton Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
InterContinental Hotel, Hongkong.
Sydney Nepean Private Hospital, Sydney
Dalcross Private Hospital, Sydney.
Shangri-la Hotel, Pundong, Shanghai, China.
Royal North Shore Private Hospital, Sydney.
Grand Hyatt Hotel, Melbourne.
Sheraton on the Park Hotel Sydney.
Jennings Corporate Head Office, Sydney.
Macquarie Apartments, Sydney.
Sydney, Melbourne, Perth,
Gold Coast, London, Dubai,
Dusseldorf, Basel,
Paris, Boston,
Los Angeles, Grenoble (Fr)
Art Almanac Collection Sydney.
Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery N.S.W.
Hyundai Headquarters, Seoul, South Korea.
Byron School of Art Mullumbimby N.S.W.
JAHM Museum , Melbourne.