Marlene Sarroff is undertaking an exploration of ‘The Fold’. She says” the fold simultaneously combines the idea of an action, where one can bend over or double up, or make compact by doubling or bending. Parts can also be extended to a closed position or bring from a compact to an extended position. Sarroff’s material based practise, is driven by mass produced materials, that dictate the process undertaken . A dynamic combination of material, form and colour playfully scatter across the gallery space on the floor and walls, like stage props taking possession of the space and creating a three dimensional installation. Intended to excite both the eye and the mind and translate into an aesthetic artistic form of which plays an important part in the way the works are assembled.
The Fold is a form of connection that follows the general principals of a Deluezian concept : open ended and exhaustive, non-exclusive and unlimited enterior and infinite. Folding and unfolding no longer simply means tension – release contradiction – dilation, but enveloping – developing , involution and evolution. The Fold is a figure of a multi-centred world, a world of intersecting planes of flourishing possibilities and synchronicity