AIRspace Projects
10 Junction Street Marrickville SYDNEY
18 -27 JANUARY 2018
What is unknown can only be imagined
The intervention into the Deep Space consists of a complex system. Created out of many small parts, building a whole that is considered from the point of view of the whole rather than the single parts. Arising from the unplanned assembling, transitory structures of an indeterminate nature, are created with emphasis on modes of organisation and interrelated arrangements. Throughout the duration of the exhibition, possibilities. will be explored in reorganising the structures, shifting, disseminating and altering the shapes the re-organisation of the structures and further possibilities will be explored in re-organising the structures, shifting, disseminating and altering the shapes and rearranging them into new formations with ongoing consideration of the space shifting the relationship within thesite considering the spatial consideration and the viewing audience.
3D Installation Laser Cut Cardboard (Repurposed) (250 x 200) cms variable
Floor Sculpture: Leather Strapping Woven through Wire Trellis netting. 150 x 100 cms (variable)
Image: enlarged from my photographic Tunnel series 120x 100 cms
Wall Work : cardboard, Japanese fabric tape, 46 x 80 cms